Jakarta - The Journey Begins: Day One
Thanks to Fozzy for the notebook and a high determination, I managed to write a travel log (a log of my travels?) to be shared. Photos will be included later upon editing. These are writings from my notebook, retyped for the blog. To scan 25 pages and show you proof that I used paper and ink would be too tedious.

This is no attempt to do a detailed travel journal but, just some simple writings. This is the most uninteresting travel journal with least informative detailed information, but if you end up reading until the end, I do rest my case.
Friday - 07 March 2008
We left home at 4.05am. As we arrived at the LCCT bus area at KL Sentral around 4.30am, the bus people there stopped us like a bunch of cops stopping cars on a road block. They were already making last calls for the 4.30am shuttle. Mama got panic and practically jumped out to quickly kiss us goodbye. Slept in the bus with the music blasting through my ears. Finally, a power nap and some shut eyes.
We arrived at the LCCT around 5.30am. Practically running and was so not in the bagpacking mode because abah insisted on me to take the big luggage since it was a 4 days 3 nights stay. Checked in and waited by the Gate. The toilet was horrible. Someone pasted a used panty-liner right next to the tab. WTF!
On the airplane, it was so fascinating to see the sky, clouds and sunrise from a different angle. God's creation has never fail to amaze the simple human mind. I was leaning towards the window, gawking at every single clouds. Suddenly, a blood rush, a silver screen and I was back in 1987. I was four years old and the same feeling of mesmerised run through my veins. It was amazing. I felt so humbled as we rose above the sky. Such a wonderful feeling. My heart beats faster and faster. The moment was surreal. But I didn't the feeling will ever fade away.

Around 8.40am, the plane approached Java island. I figured I was still on Malaysia time. Its beautiful to see the coastline and I can't stop being truly fascinated by the view from that high of an angle. We often look up and stare at the sky. Today, I looked down and smiled.
It was indeed a very tiring and great journey. To note that I didn't sleep the entire night, I was surprisingly energised by the whole traveling mood amidst walking around carrying the heavy luggage. The TAKSI fare was IDR 179,000 and paying that sum of money, was quite funny for me. Our 2 star hotel, Hotel Atlantic in Salembar Raya was up to its standard for MYR 500 charge of 4 days 3 nights. A small comfy room with 3 beds (which we combined to fit 4 gorgeous people) with decent toilet and a water heater is good enough for me.
After we checked in and settled down, being typical Malaysia, we get hold of our Malaysian counterparts. Oya called Fizar who invited us to hang out with them at the room in The Sultan. A cab ride away, we met Fid, Jerry and Fizar who were later joined by Teejay and Atilia. We went down as the entourage needed to take their lunch and who did we see sitting across the table but JAMES INGRAM in flesh! After moments of star struck and jokes about having to mistakenly take him for Luther Vandross, we approached the music legend as he stood up to take his dessert. A nice gentleman he is, he obliged to our fan demands of photograph session. The show haven't started and we've already taken pictures with Stars! Lady luck followed us like a charmed LV bracelet.

As everyone made their way to the convention centre, we realised that the Jazzmaster booth will only be opened at 3.30pm so all four of us took a long walk from the Convention Centre to Plaza Senayan. Its quite a great introduction to Jakarta when we walked with the walkers of real life. We saw the locals in their normal manner, passing by an Agriculture Fair selling all sorts of plants, vegetables and whatnot.
Plaza Senayan is a local shopping mall like the ones in Malaysia but housing a large parking building unlike those you find here in Kuala Lumpur. We directed our tired feets to Warong Poedjok on the top floor for some local dishes. I had Nasi Ramon, which is rice with salted duck eggs, beansprout, sambal and the main dish was beef chunks in some salty soup. Lunch was good.
We took a TAKSI back to the convention centre and the place was filling up with jazzy atmosphere. Jazz music filled up the air that we breathed in and it was like great indulgence for those who lives and breathes good music. The first pitstop was Atilia's performance on Stage 2 in the lobby at 5.00pm.
Atilia's performance was superb. I'm not saying this because I'm a friend and I should say nice things about my friend, but it was so good for an international event and as a Malaysian (who was not voting the pride of her nation), I was totally proud of her. The audience was so amazed by her performance and at that time, as a friend, I couldn't more proud of her achievement. Java Jazz Festival is one of the biggest music festival in the more (some say bigger than Montreux) and Atilia has placed herself on the world music map. After Atilia's performance, fans from Indonesia pushed their way to see the petite singer up close, tried to buy her Sangkar CD for her signature like a swarm of bees crowding a sweet bee hive. How amazing was that? Even the copies she brought for fans in Indonesia was sold out and highly in demand.
After Atilia's performance, me and Muid went to queue up for Parkdrive's performance across the hall, later joined by Oya and Emi. PARKDRIVE WAS AWESOME! I recorded their performance with a sore back, worn out body and tired hips while stretching my biceps to its full capabilities but it was all damn worth it! We got to catch the bassist for pictures and he was so yummylicious! We also managed to take pictures with Olive, Parkdrive's vocalist and she's as sweet as a person as she is on stage. We were quite excited to know that they're coming to Malaysia soon this year. Words can't describe my feelings but for all the tough time we've been through to get our sweet fine asses down in Jakarta, the very first day has made everything worthwhile.
After an hour of getting lost from our friends and even from my brother, me and Teejay made our way to Renee Olstead's performance which Teejay later excused herself because she was already too tired. The hall was so damn packed but Renee was a gem! Her jazz was beyond her age by a century mile (if there's even such indicator). The foundation of jazz was serenaded smoothly by a very young lady. Although I only managed to catch her last 4 songs but it was still an amazing performance.
After a night of 3 GREAT performances, my tired body shut down right as we stepped into the TAKSI heading back to the hotel. I slept so sound I couldn't even remember my dreams. Especially when I slept in my traveling clothes I had on the whole day, without even washing my feet!
to be continued ....

This is no attempt to do a detailed travel journal but, just some simple writings. This is the most uninteresting travel journal with least informative detailed information, but if you end up reading until the end, I do rest my case.
Friday - 07 March 2008
We left home at 4.05am. As we arrived at the LCCT bus area at KL Sentral around 4.30am, the bus people there stopped us like a bunch of cops stopping cars on a road block. They were already making last calls for the 4.30am shuttle. Mama got panic and practically jumped out to quickly kiss us goodbye. Slept in the bus with the music blasting through my ears. Finally, a power nap and some shut eyes.
We arrived at the LCCT around 5.30am. Practically running and was so not in the bagpacking mode because abah insisted on me to take the big luggage since it was a 4 days 3 nights stay. Checked in and waited by the Gate. The toilet was horrible. Someone pasted a used panty-liner right next to the tab. WTF!
On the airplane, it was so fascinating to see the sky, clouds and sunrise from a different angle. God's creation has never fail to amaze the simple human mind. I was leaning towards the window, gawking at every single clouds. Suddenly, a blood rush, a silver screen and I was back in 1987. I was four years old and the same feeling of mesmerised run through my veins. It was amazing. I felt so humbled as we rose above the sky. Such a wonderful feeling. My heart beats faster and faster. The moment was surreal. But I didn't the feeling will ever fade away.

Panas terik
Mata silau
Cuba lihat
Tapi gagal
Tunggu sekejap
Sedikit mendung
Baru jelas
Ruang pandang
Around 8.40am, the plane approached Java island. I figured I was still on Malaysia time. Its beautiful to see the coastline and I can't stop being truly fascinated by the view from that high of an angle. We often look up and stare at the sky. Today, I looked down and smiled.
It was indeed a very tiring and great journey. To note that I didn't sleep the entire night, I was surprisingly energised by the whole traveling mood amidst walking around carrying the heavy luggage. The TAKSI fare was IDR 179,000 and paying that sum of money, was quite funny for me. Our 2 star hotel, Hotel Atlantic in Salembar Raya was up to its standard for MYR 500 charge of 4 days 3 nights. A small comfy room with 3 beds (which we combined to fit 4 gorgeous people) with decent toilet and a water heater is good enough for me.
After we checked in and settled down, being typical Malaysia, we get hold of our Malaysian counterparts. Oya called Fizar who invited us to hang out with them at the room in The Sultan. A cab ride away, we met Fid, Jerry and Fizar who were later joined by Teejay and Atilia. We went down as the entourage needed to take their lunch and who did we see sitting across the table but JAMES INGRAM in flesh! After moments of star struck and jokes about having to mistakenly take him for Luther Vandross, we approached the music legend as he stood up to take his dessert. A nice gentleman he is, he obliged to our fan demands of photograph session. The show haven't started and we've already taken pictures with Stars! Lady luck followed us like a charmed LV bracelet.

us with James Ingram
As everyone made their way to the convention centre, we realised that the Jazzmaster booth will only be opened at 3.30pm so all four of us took a long walk from the Convention Centre to Plaza Senayan. Its quite a great introduction to Jakarta when we walked with the walkers of real life. We saw the locals in their normal manner, passing by an Agriculture Fair selling all sorts of plants, vegetables and whatnot.
Plaza Senayan is a local shopping mall like the ones in Malaysia but housing a large parking building unlike those you find here in Kuala Lumpur. We directed our tired feets to Warong Poedjok on the top floor for some local dishes. I had Nasi Ramon, which is rice with salted duck eggs, beansprout, sambal and the main dish was beef chunks in some salty soup. Lunch was good.
We took a TAKSI back to the convention centre and the place was filling up with jazzy atmosphere. Jazz music filled up the air that we breathed in and it was like great indulgence for those who lives and breathes good music. The first pitstop was Atilia's performance on Stage 2 in the lobby at 5.00pm.
Atilia's performance was superb. I'm not saying this because I'm a friend and I should say nice things about my friend, but it was so good for an international event and as a Malaysian (who was not voting the pride of her nation), I was totally proud of her. The audience was so amazed by her performance and at that time, as a friend, I couldn't more proud of her achievement. Java Jazz Festival is one of the biggest music festival in the more (some say bigger than Montreux) and Atilia has placed herself on the world music map. After Atilia's performance, fans from Indonesia pushed their way to see the petite singer up close, tried to buy her Sangkar CD for her signature like a swarm of bees crowding a sweet bee hive. How amazing was that? Even the copies she brought for fans in Indonesia was sold out and highly in demand.
After Atilia's performance, me and Muid went to queue up for Parkdrive's performance across the hall, later joined by Oya and Emi. PARKDRIVE WAS AWESOME! I recorded their performance with a sore back, worn out body and tired hips while stretching my biceps to its full capabilities but it was all damn worth it! We got to catch the bassist for pictures and he was so yummylicious! We also managed to take pictures with Olive, Parkdrive's vocalist and she's as sweet as a person as she is on stage. We were quite excited to know that they're coming to Malaysia soon this year. Words can't describe my feelings but for all the tough time we've been through to get our sweet fine asses down in Jakarta, the very first day has made everything worthwhile.
After an hour of getting lost from our friends and even from my brother, me and Teejay made our way to Renee Olstead's performance which Teejay later excused herself because she was already too tired. The hall was so damn packed but Renee was a gem! Her jazz was beyond her age by a century mile (if there's even such indicator). The foundation of jazz was serenaded smoothly by a very young lady. Although I only managed to catch her last 4 songs but it was still an amazing performance.
After a night of 3 GREAT performances, my tired body shut down right as we stepped into the TAKSI heading back to the hotel. I slept so sound I couldn't even remember my dreams. Especially when I slept in my traveling clothes I had on the whole day, without even washing my feet!
Muid: Abby, kamu dah basuh kaki? Jangan lupa, kita jalan merata-rata.
Abby: Dahhh (growling from beneath the comforter)
Abby dalam hati: Kalau hantu nak ikut aku tidur ke, apa ke, lantak la, aku penat!
to be continued ....
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