Jakarta - The Journey Continues: Day Two
[Note: for more pictures, please dig it up in my Facebook or Flickr, Makasih]
Saturday - 08 March 2007
(a non-voting day for me!)
Woke up early at 7.30am, dressed and looked through half of the pictures that Emi took yesterday. Breakfast was good, 2 cups of coffee, cigarettes and now writing all these. Plan to hit the museum and walk around town before D'Sound's show at 8pm later. CAN'T WAIT! Let me indulge in my caffeine and ciggies first.

Listening to Quincy Jones's STUFF LIKE THAT.
After Oya and Emi left for their shopping at Mangga 2, me and Muid decided to go to the National Museum. After a few minutes getting our requests right, the TAKSI driver ended up sensing us to MONAS, the National Monument instead. It is still a wrong spontaneous stop but we went ahead with it. MONAS is one of Jakarta's attraction, a marble obelisk standing at 137-meter in the middle of the Jakarta's Merdeka Square with a 35 kgs gold-coated flame at the peak. An elevator took us up the tower cup and we had the nicest view of Jakarta city. Underneath the obelisk, a simple museum with the most direct display of historical events that brought Indonesia to this very day. It was quite different from the museums back home and I love how the information is being disseminated. Noting that I worked with a library for past leadership before, presentation of information is somewhat essential alongside with perservation and archiving it.

Walking out of MONAS, we stepped on the field where a lot of historical demonstrations and congregations were being held in Indonesian independence process. We walked to the train station where the lower-income earner transits as train is one of their main transportation there. I believe the rich lords does not take the train that often. We stopped at a handphone booth and bought the TELKOMSEL prepaid. Had a chat with the lady who is known as Ibu Safiyah and when we mentioned to her that we came from Malaysia, the first word that popped out of her mouth was "Siti Nurhaliza!". I swear I was so close to "kencing" her that I am Siti's cousin but I didn't. Before I left, she asked me what my name was and I said "Abby". "Owh, Abby kalau bahasa indonesia nya berarti 'udang kering' ya". Me and Muid broke into laughter and being me, I simply said, "Waduh, serupa udang kering ya saya ini". Ibu Safiyah suddenly felt guilty, hold my hand and apologised, "Jangan marah ya, just joking". Another outburst of laughter from me because her indonesian 'just joking' was simply funny.
We left the train station and crossed the road to the National Gallery where Muid tried to look out for his friend who worked there to ask for direction. As the search end to no avail, we decided to ask the security guard instead. We conclude that the place we wanted to go was Plaza Semanggi until the TAKSI driver passed by Plaza Sarinah and Muid suddenly shouted that that was the plaza he was refering to. The TAKSI driver dropped us there and we were on a quest for the CD Store. After going to Plaza Sarinah and Java Department Store, we strolled along Jalan Thamrin until we ended up in a small crowded street. Crowded with the real life of Jakarta squatters, small tokos, 'bajais', and we even spotted an American Grill restaurant. I got some thumbs up and a flying kiss from snapping pictures of an ongoing chess game by a few locals. That both terrified and flattered me at the same time. We walked through the busy street and ended up back to Jalan Thamrin, in front of Plaza Sarinah and walked futher ahead until we reached Plaza EX. Plaza EX is an exclusive mall with security going through your stuff and body (which I believe should be categorised as "stuff" as well). How lucky for these (ala Japanese) tourists when there at the centre court of the mall, held an event with Kris Dayanti as their guest artist. Although we only managed to take pictures with Anang but to have the opportunity of taking close-up pictures of Kris Dayanti was beyond our expectation. With two cameras dangling on both of my hands, I took my chances of snapping like a paparazzi. Who cares about gadgets, techniques and precisions, I was there and it was a moment well-captured. Luck filled the air like charm to my being there.

We explored Plaza EX and shopped for my younger siblings before we head to Atilia's room at Hotel Ambhara in Blok M. Hung out with the guys before going to JICC together, We met Atilia's Indonesian friend who are both sweet and expecting their first born. We left with the group to JJF2008 and caught Maysa Leak's performance (she is the former lead vocalist for Incognito), then separate our ways as me, Muid, Oya and Emi stayed for D'Sound while Atilia and the rest went to watch George Clinton in action.
Although they didn't perform my favourite song "Slow Dancing French Kissing", but as the lead singer took the stage with her little bit of spoken Indonesian, the hall partied like madness. She even rolled the mic cables and hung it on her shoulders and continued jumping and singing for us! How cool was that??!! Its amazing to see the exposure they have in Jakarta and the amount of fans. People in their 20s were singing to every single song by heart. To top it all, D'Sound's new single featuring Tony Monrell from Incognito was superb! And it was an honour for D'Sound as it was a surprise for the fans to be the first seeing the collaboration performed live on stage. After partying with D'Sound, we went to the foodcourt for supper and met up with Atilia and the rest there. Also met Arshad who was the former bassist for Pretty Ugly.
We had our political conversation of the updates we've been receiving from families and friends back home. Since everyone was eligible to vote and none of us were actually registered voters, we concluded that it was the absence of 7 votes that led to the defeat of the ruling party for Selangor. Haha, lame one but it was our collective defense excuse.
The night ended perfectly and we head back to the hotel for some shut-eyes. Tomorrow is another adven-tour for us .... I washed my feet this time.
to be continued ....
Saturday - 08 March 2007
(a non-voting day for me!)
Woke up early at 7.30am, dressed and looked through half of the pictures that Emi took yesterday. Breakfast was good, 2 cups of coffee, cigarettes and now writing all these. Plan to hit the museum and walk around town before D'Sound's show at 8pm later. CAN'T WAIT! Let me indulge in my caffeine and ciggies first.

Listening to Quincy Jones's STUFF LIKE THAT.
"What makes you feel like, doing stuff like that? DO IT DO IT"
After Oya and Emi left for their shopping at Mangga 2, me and Muid decided to go to the National Museum. After a few minutes getting our requests right, the TAKSI driver ended up sensing us to MONAS, the National Monument instead. It is still a wrong spontaneous stop but we went ahead with it. MONAS is one of Jakarta's attraction, a marble obelisk standing at 137-meter in the middle of the Jakarta's Merdeka Square with a 35 kgs gold-coated flame at the peak. An elevator took us up the tower cup and we had the nicest view of Jakarta city. Underneath the obelisk, a simple museum with the most direct display of historical events that brought Indonesia to this very day. It was quite different from the museums back home and I love how the information is being disseminated. Noting that I worked with a library for past leadership before, presentation of information is somewhat essential alongside with perservation and archiving it.

Walking out of MONAS, we stepped on the field where a lot of historical demonstrations and congregations were being held in Indonesian independence process. We walked to the train station where the lower-income earner transits as train is one of their main transportation there. I believe the rich lords does not take the train that often. We stopped at a handphone booth and bought the TELKOMSEL prepaid. Had a chat with the lady who is known as Ibu Safiyah and when we mentioned to her that we came from Malaysia, the first word that popped out of her mouth was "Siti Nurhaliza!". I swear I was so close to "kencing" her that I am Siti's cousin but I didn't. Before I left, she asked me what my name was and I said "Abby". "Owh, Abby kalau bahasa indonesia nya berarti 'udang kering' ya". Me and Muid broke into laughter and being me, I simply said, "Waduh, serupa udang kering ya saya ini". Ibu Safiyah suddenly felt guilty, hold my hand and apologised, "Jangan marah ya, just joking". Another outburst of laughter from me because her indonesian 'just joking' was simply funny.
We left the train station and crossed the road to the National Gallery where Muid tried to look out for his friend who worked there to ask for direction. As the search end to no avail, we decided to ask the security guard instead. We conclude that the place we wanted to go was Plaza Semanggi until the TAKSI driver passed by Plaza Sarinah and Muid suddenly shouted that that was the plaza he was refering to. The TAKSI driver dropped us there and we were on a quest for the CD Store. After going to Plaza Sarinah and Java Department Store, we strolled along Jalan Thamrin until we ended up in a small crowded street. Crowded with the real life of Jakarta squatters, small tokos, 'bajais', and we even spotted an American Grill restaurant. I got some thumbs up and a flying kiss from snapping pictures of an ongoing chess game by a few locals. That both terrified and flattered me at the same time. We walked through the busy street and ended up back to Jalan Thamrin, in front of Plaza Sarinah and walked futher ahead until we reached Plaza EX. Plaza EX is an exclusive mall with security going through your stuff and body (which I believe should be categorised as "stuff" as well). How lucky for these (ala Japanese) tourists when there at the centre court of the mall, held an event with Kris Dayanti as their guest artist. Although we only managed to take pictures with Anang but to have the opportunity of taking close-up pictures of Kris Dayanti was beyond our expectation. With two cameras dangling on both of my hands, I took my chances of snapping like a paparazzi. Who cares about gadgets, techniques and precisions, I was there and it was a moment well-captured. Luck filled the air like charm to my being there.

We explored Plaza EX and shopped for my younger siblings before we head to Atilia's room at Hotel Ambhara in Blok M. Hung out with the guys before going to JICC together, We met Atilia's Indonesian friend who are both sweet and expecting their first born. We left with the group to JJF2008 and caught Maysa Leak's performance (she is the former lead vocalist for Incognito), then separate our ways as me, Muid, Oya and Emi stayed for D'Sound while Atilia and the rest went to watch George Clinton in action.
Although they didn't perform my favourite song "Slow Dancing French Kissing", but as the lead singer took the stage with her little bit of spoken Indonesian, the hall partied like madness. She even rolled the mic cables and hung it on her shoulders and continued jumping and singing for us! How cool was that??!! Its amazing to see the exposure they have in Jakarta and the amount of fans. People in their 20s were singing to every single song by heart. To top it all, D'Sound's new single featuring Tony Monrell from Incognito was superb! And it was an honour for D'Sound as it was a surprise for the fans to be the first seeing the collaboration performed live on stage. After partying with D'Sound, we went to the foodcourt for supper and met up with Atilia and the rest there. Also met Arshad who was the former bassist for Pretty Ugly.
We had our political conversation of the updates we've been receiving from families and friends back home. Since everyone was eligible to vote and none of us were actually registered voters, we concluded that it was the absence of 7 votes that led to the defeat of the ruling party for Selangor. Haha, lame one but it was our collective defense excuse.
The night ended perfectly and we head back to the hotel for some shut-eyes. Tomorrow is another adven-tour for us .... I washed my feet this time.
to be continued ....
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