KLUE Urbanscapes: What actually happened.
Wow, what an event. We waited 4 years for this one. It was supposedly scheduled to be held every 2 years, but due to some unidentified difficulties, KLUE skipped the 2006 Urbanscapes and made a comeback in 2008. When Muid told me that DigitalMalayaProject is participating in the gallery, I was just pleased and grateful that we had a chance to be part of it, but later when he added that I'll be displaying my works as well, I was so very very excited until I went vain and asked (more like force) friends to vote for my best picture. The voting was great and I thanked everyone who help casted their votes.
Lets go chronologically on this one.
Thursday, 26th June 2008:-
Went to Ecaz Studios with Muid and Shafina to print the pictures. Had fun toying with Tai's D60 and goofing around with Emi. Later, joined Omar for his KL mamak session before he heads back to London. Had fun laughing with Adi, Belanda, Hilmi, Kamal (and his girlfriend), Anna, Shafina, Syahrin, Faris, Muid and of course, Omar. Some folks from Photo Malaysia were there but don't really know them. Went back at 12.30pm. Went straight to writing the poems and putting them in the frames. Went to bed at 3am.
Friday, 27th June 2008:-
Woke up at 6.15am. Got to work by bus. Stocked up some Surya Gudang Garam at Kotaraya (the ghetto style yo!). Stayed back at the office, laminated {dmp}'s profile and bio, print labels and artists' bio. Took monorail to Chow Kit at 8pm. Got stalked by a weirdo who wanted me to board his UNSER. Freaked out man! So takut. He was quite persistent but thanked god he didn't came near, just signaling me from afar. Should've stopped at the Titiwangsa station instead. Ditched cab plan, called Muid who came 15 minutes later and off we went to KLPAC. Helped the setting up. Goofed around with Artect, who was there with a bunch of friends. Fariz, Asrul and Fozy helped with the {dmp} set up.
Had lots of ciggie break with Aisyah, the cool installation art artist and played with her baby boy Arjuna. Had McDonald's delivery for supper (except that my Mega Mac hilang). Got home at 4am. Slept at 4.30am.
Saturday, 28th June 2008:-
Woke up at 8.30am. Had a long discussion with dad on why I can't use my car becos my roadtax expired and why I can't just renew my roadtax because my insurance has expired as well and until I renew my insurance, then only I can renew my roadtax and then only I can drive my car. So after that long lengthy frowning gloomy talk, mom decided to lend me her car instead. Okay la, Avanza pun Avanza la. 10am, rushed to IKEA to get frames becos so happened, we didn't have enough frames. Managed to shop for clothes to wear, bought an MNG vest for RM60 (which was 50% off) and an Espirit singlet for RM50. Bought some Big Apple doughnuts and strawberries for the folks at KLPAC. Rushed to KLPAC and reached there about 11.15am. Did our last minute preparation which was concluded around 12.45pm. Then crowd starts buzzing in ....
Me at my panel. Lots of praises and comments on the handwritten poetries. I reckon I wanted to put in the writing pleasure and feel to it becos these are mostly the poems I wrote during my mamak sessions.
I spent a lot of time walking around, hanging outside of the gallery. There's a fear of seeing faces criticising my works, but most of all, after the whole night being there, I just needed some time off and some fresh air. Lepak'ed with my KLickr friends outside. Bumped into Mei Ling and her friend Fahmi. Had doughnuts and strawberries shared with everyone. Lots of ciggies. Bloody coke cost RM3 per can.
Took a walk at the market area with Nell. After we went under the tent, it got a little too crowded so I decided to let her be on her own while I make my own way. Too exhausted for crowded places. Then LJ spotted me sitting in exhaustion. Funnily right at the "disabled driver"'s parking. How ironic!
Tired Abby needs to be wheelchaired
(Photo Credit: Lyanna Johan)
Went back to the hangout table then Muid told me Nadiah and Eka were in the cafe. Had to lepak with them becos thats where I met Nadiah for the first time, KLUE Urbanscapes 2004. So we had quite a long chat at the cafe, then at our gallery space before the four of us, Muid, Eka, Nadiah and me walked out to get some drinks and food then they left. Great hanging out with them, too many sarcasm and laughter. Yes, I love Nadiah for her sarcasm! Hahahaha. And Eka let me snap some photos using his camera. UUUUUuuuuuuuu, I got the Ekster aura. Hahahaha....
After our very very late lunch, I was walking back to the gallery with Muid only to realise that I missed Mia Palencia's show, which started at 5pm. It was 5.22pm at that time. I immediately ran my ass to the accoustic room which was damned packed with people, managed to catch 3 songs by Mia Palencia. She was superb, funny and very much talented. I recorded them and have uploaded them on YouTube. But with bad quality though. Due to kneeling down and shivering as I held the handycam on my head. My stamina, biceps didn't really work fine with 6 hours of sleep in 48-hour.
More friends came towards the evening. I was overly joyed although I was more like a door bitch, fetching them and handing their tags at the ticket counter but its okay. Becos I love them so much.
As I was chatting with some nearby our gallery section, Ripi called me. Wahhh, he was talking to KoKoKaina. I was so excited. I missed her show at 7pm so I was psyched to meet her in person. As I held my hand to greet her, I said, "Hey Kokokaina, I'm Abby." and she goes like, "Hey, you're the Abby who messaged me on YouTube, how are you!". Goodness gracious, she recognises me and I'm like so awed!!! Well, we chatted a little about her album released and since she had to head back to her friends, we managed to steal some fan-shots with her.
Shafina, KokoKaina, Ripi, Abby and Oya
(Photo Credit: Halimi Saidi)
Best ladies to hangout with, Oya, Suzie, Atilia, Gjie, Abby, Fynaz and Donna
(Photo Credit: Halimi Saidi)
Everyone left around 11.30pm and by 12.30am, the {dmp} crew started to clean up as they need to clear the place by that night. Hangover, Tired and overly Hyper, I still danced the night away and acted like a men-repellent. Hahaha. Got home at 1am and was so tired that I slept right after I changed into my comfy clothes. Was too tired to dream. What good is a dream when you have achieved happiness in reality?
Lets go chronologically on this one.
Thursday, 26th June 2008:-
Went to Ecaz Studios with Muid and Shafina to print the pictures. Had fun toying with Tai's D60 and goofing around with Emi. Later, joined Omar for his KL mamak session before he heads back to London. Had fun laughing with Adi, Belanda, Hilmi, Kamal (and his girlfriend), Anna, Shafina, Syahrin, Faris, Muid and of course, Omar. Some folks from Photo Malaysia were there but don't really know them. Went back at 12.30pm. Went straight to writing the poems and putting them in the frames. Went to bed at 3am.
Friday, 27th June 2008:-
Woke up at 6.15am. Got to work by bus. Stocked up some Surya Gudang Garam at Kotaraya (the ghetto style yo!). Stayed back at the office, laminated {dmp}'s profile and bio, print labels and artists' bio. Took monorail to Chow Kit at 8pm. Got stalked by a weirdo who wanted me to board his UNSER. Freaked out man! So takut. He was quite persistent but thanked god he didn't came near, just signaling me from afar. Should've stopped at the Titiwangsa station instead. Ditched cab plan, called Muid who came 15 minutes later and off we went to KLPAC. Helped the setting up. Goofed around with Artect, who was there with a bunch of friends. Fariz, Asrul and Fozy helped with the {dmp} set up.
Had lots of ciggie break with Aisyah, the cool installation art artist and played with her baby boy Arjuna. Had McDonald's delivery for supper (except that my Mega Mac hilang). Got home at 4am. Slept at 4.30am.
Saturday, 28th June 2008:-
Woke up at 8.30am. Had a long discussion with dad on why I can't use my car becos my roadtax expired and why I can't just renew my roadtax because my insurance has expired as well and until I renew my insurance, then only I can renew my roadtax and then only I can drive my car. So after that long lengthy frowning gloomy talk, mom decided to lend me her car instead. Okay la, Avanza pun Avanza la. 10am, rushed to IKEA to get frames becos so happened, we didn't have enough frames. Managed to shop for clothes to wear, bought an MNG vest for RM60 (which was 50% off) and an Espirit singlet for RM50. Bought some Big Apple doughnuts and strawberries for the folks at KLPAC. Rushed to KLPAC and reached there about 11.15am. Did our last minute preparation which was concluded around 12.45pm. Then crowd starts buzzing in ....
Me at my panel. Lots of praises and comments on the handwritten poetries. I reckon I wanted to put in the writing pleasure and feel to it becos these are mostly the poems I wrote during my mamak sessions.
I spent a lot of time walking around, hanging outside of the gallery. There's a fear of seeing faces criticising my works, but most of all, after the whole night being there, I just needed some time off and some fresh air. Lepak'ed with my KLickr friends outside. Bumped into Mei Ling and her friend Fahmi. Had doughnuts and strawberries shared with everyone. Lots of ciggies. Bloody coke cost RM3 per can.
Took a walk at the market area with Nell. After we went under the tent, it got a little too crowded so I decided to let her be on her own while I make my own way. Too exhausted for crowded places. Then LJ spotted me sitting in exhaustion. Funnily right at the "disabled driver"'s parking. How ironic!

(Photo Credit: Lyanna Johan)
Went back to the hangout table then Muid told me Nadiah and Eka were in the cafe. Had to lepak with them becos thats where I met Nadiah for the first time, KLUE Urbanscapes 2004. So we had quite a long chat at the cafe, then at our gallery space before the four of us, Muid, Eka, Nadiah and me walked out to get some drinks and food then they left. Great hanging out with them, too many sarcasm and laughter. Yes, I love Nadiah for her sarcasm! Hahahaha. And Eka let me snap some photos using his camera. UUUUUuuuuuuuu, I got the Ekster aura. Hahahaha....
After our very very late lunch, I was walking back to the gallery with Muid only to realise that I missed Mia Palencia's show, which started at 5pm. It was 5.22pm at that time. I immediately ran my ass to the accoustic room which was damned packed with people, managed to catch 3 songs by Mia Palencia. She was superb, funny and very much talented. I recorded them and have uploaded them on YouTube. But with bad quality though. Due to kneeling down and shivering as I held the handycam on my head. My stamina, biceps didn't really work fine with 6 hours of sleep in 48-hour.
More friends came towards the evening. I was overly joyed although I was more like a door bitch, fetching them and handing their tags at the ticket counter but its okay. Becos I love them so much.
As I was chatting with some nearby our gallery section, Ripi called me. Wahhh, he was talking to KoKoKaina. I was so excited. I missed her show at 7pm so I was psyched to meet her in person. As I held my hand to greet her, I said, "Hey Kokokaina, I'm Abby." and she goes like, "Hey, you're the Abby who messaged me on YouTube, how are you!". Goodness gracious, she recognises me and I'm like so awed!!! Well, we chatted a little about her album released and since she had to head back to her friends, we managed to steal some fan-shots with her.

(Photo Credit: Halimi Saidi)
Yes, after a few drinks and come 9pm, I was overly hyper, jumping about and making a fool out of myself but enjoying every single bit of it. Lepak with my friends was the best time ever!!! We danced in public, we laughed and they saw me jumping with joy! Hats off to Nell who managed to locate us and hang out for a bit. Hehehe.

(Photo Credit: Halimi Saidi)
Everyone left around 11.30pm and by 12.30am, the {dmp} crew started to clean up as they need to clear the place by that night. Hangover, Tired and overly Hyper, I still danced the night away and acted like a men-repellent. Hahaha. Got home at 1am and was so tired that I slept right after I changed into my comfy clothes. Was too tired to dream. What good is a dream when you have achieved happiness in reality?
At 2:49 pm, July 08, 2008 ,
Anonymous said...
oh 'tis a drag i couldn't catch urbanscapes n ur show.
+ the sultry miss koko - said the self-confessed kokokainster.
oh n mebbe you'd share with me a handwritten poem or two.
better yet, you might churn one out during one of our mamak sessions.. =p
At 2:51 pm, July 08, 2008 ,
*cosmic freak* said...
yes of course, I might do that.
we do it both you and me.
write poetries while sipping our teh tarik and milo ais.
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