Abby has come undone
(inspired to write after reading Rainer Marie Rilke's "Letters to a Young Poet" and some Rumi poetries in the wee hours of the morning)
I saw you,
Di sebalik dahan dahan yang kering kontang
Wishing so hard
To reach up
Menggapai perlahan
Namun tidak kesampaian
I stood there alone
Di tengah jalan yang sunyi sepi
Trying to feel you inside me
Bulan tidak berkelip
Staring restlessly down
But silent without words
Seolah olah cuba menjaga hati yang remuk
Walaupun ku keliru
Sama ada hati itu hatiku atau hatimu
If only I could spend the whole night staring
Kepada bulan yang cukup cantik pekerti
Namun kerna kewajipan aku harus pergi
Leaving the moon alone so pretty
This is a mixture of language
Dua bahasa yang ditutur setiap hari
But it is for only one thing
Sang bulan yang amat ku cintai
-Abby Latif at 8.45pm, November 17th 2008-
I saw you,
Di sebalik dahan dahan yang kering kontang
Wishing so hard
To reach up
Menggapai perlahan
Namun tidak kesampaian
I stood there alone
Di tengah jalan yang sunyi sepi
Trying to feel you inside me
Bulan tidak berkelip
Staring restlessly down
But silent without words
Seolah olah cuba menjaga hati yang remuk
Walaupun ku keliru
Sama ada hati itu hatiku atau hatimu
If only I could spend the whole night staring
Kepada bulan yang cukup cantik pekerti
Namun kerna kewajipan aku harus pergi
Leaving the moon alone so pretty
This is a mixture of language
Dua bahasa yang ditutur setiap hari
But it is for only one thing
Sang bulan yang amat ku cintai
-Abby Latif at 8.45pm, November 17th 2008-
At 12:40 pm, December 16, 2008 ,
Anonymous said...
fusion..bery naise. i loike,
the way u talk about the moon or even describing the bulan is so beiutiful lah..
a mixture of native tongue and adopted lingua is somewhat new for me..
kudos for this fresh piece!
At 8:30 pm, December 19, 2009 ,
Farrah Star said...
hahah heyy
can i have this ?
but i would like to have a permission from you to change the 'bulan' to 'bintang'?
can ya? do follow my bloggie
=) waiting for your reply ^^
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