Trying Times
Things we talk about ...
Abby: I'm not clingy. but I'd like to be informed. tu je.
Fynaz: hahahha..babe..are u sure u arentclingy?
Abby: becos maybe dah biasa duty report kot
Fynaz: :-P
Abby: cheh. saja je
Fynaz: kan???
Abby: I jenis duty report. I just like to know that person is safe and well. I am very affectionate and clingy, but not to the extend of annoying kan? I mean, if one ask for space, I give. if one ask to be hug, I give.
Yes, those are the things I need to work on. More like, have FIRM control of.
Abby: I'm not clingy. but I'd like to be informed. tu je.
Fynaz: hahahha..babe..are u sure u arentclingy?
Abby: becos maybe dah biasa duty report kot
Fynaz: :-P
Abby: cheh. saja je
Fynaz: kan???
Abby: I jenis duty report. I just like to know that person is safe and well. I am very affectionate and clingy, but not to the extend of annoying kan? I mean, if one ask for space, I give. if one ask to be hug, I give.
Yes, those are the things I need to work on. More like, have FIRM control of.
At 1:42 pm, November 16, 2008 ,
Anonymous said...
duty report = mild case of clingy-ness
At 12:57 pm, November 17, 2008 ,
*cosmic freak* said...
Hahahahaha ....
Mild ... still ok kot? Heh.
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