uncertainty of the future, and looking back at the past
It took me a lot to be where I am, even though I am not making more than 2.5k a month. I don't go on shopping spree nor I spend a lot on material items or grooming myself to find a man.
Money is besides the point. Donald Trump said, your network is your networth, and that was what I pursued.
Earlier today, I had a chat with a friend, who later encouraged me to apply for the Chevening Scholarship and further my postgraduate studies. Her being a past Chevening Scholar herself, told me that I'm still young, I should get out of the country and venture into the world. She suggested Goldsmith, University of London for me and I immediately fell in love with the MA in Digital Media: Technology and Cultural Form programme. Chatting with a few other friends, everyone seems to be so encouraging to the idea. I have nothing holding me back, and I'm still young and best of all, I'm free to make a decision of my own. I don't think my parents would be against it and I have no sappy lovers to ask permission from. Indeed, I am pursuing this. I hope I can do it. I just got to run to British Council to see how the procedure goes. If not this year, it'll be next year. But I'm determined to leave the country.
Today is my friend Lilia's birthday. 6th August 2008. Happy Birthday Lilia!!!! You're now 26 years old. Yes, years OLD! Hahahahaa. But with aging comes wisdom and maturity. Hence, this for you.
Itu je la yang aku mampu bagi Lia. Hehehe. In this centralised air-conditioned igloo, thats the only thing I can come up with. Happy Birthday and thanks for being the listening ears when I needed a pair of those. Hehehe.
Last 2 weeks, Sunday 27th July, we had Tina's bridal shower at RedBox The Curve. Yes, karaokeing was the IN thing for Bridal Showers and Hen Parties. I would highly thank Kak Zu for organising the event (wah, sungguh formal bunyinya) and having to follow-up constantly with us. Picked up Lia at KL Sentral and head off to The Curve. Was the first two to arrive, then later joined by Kak Zu and Liza who brought one of the cutest cake I've seen. Yeah, cute being spiced up with kinkyness, thats for sure. Had the chance to meet new acquaintances such as Liza, Farah, Ceera, and old familiar faces like Peeja and Jonet. Of course Tina was there (duhhh, do I even need to write that???). We had fun singing our lungs out. Sorry guys for the late event post-mortem. Pictures will be up on Facebook, so better quickly add me there.
After everyone parted, I dropped by Teh Tarik Place since Shafina twittered that she was there. Apparently she was with Prakash and Ena. Hugged and kissed and said hi, then I went to send Lilia back to KL Sentral. It was too early to go back (since I spent the previous day sleeping and being in bed the entire day), I went back to The Curve and lepak with Ena, Shaf, Prakash, LJ, Mizie, Wan and her friend at Vivo until 8pm.
- NEXT -
Three-day conference went well. The Conference Gala dinner was a lot of fun. I went to KL Tower for the first time. Geoff bought 12 bottles of wine, hahaha. So determined to get the guests drunk I guess. But the view from up there was great! Too bad we didn't have the dinner at the revolving restaurant. That would be fun.
I've initiated a little internet journalism project with a friend and carried out our first test run last week during Atilia's 'Ranjau' music video launch at Bangkok Jazz. On a whole, I'm quite please. Its just a norm to start it off with something commercial like entertainment, but I have gotten some few people who have agreed to be interviewed, among them are a well-known writer and a top finalist for most green person on Earth (I met during our International CSR Conference). It is quite exciting to carry out the project and I'm putting my faith on my friend Oya to produce the best edited version of those interviews becos her video editing skills are superb. Me, I'm just pursuing one of my dreams, to own a talk show, well, at least it is heading that way anyways. The format is very much outdoorsy and pretty laidback becos I want to accommodate the human touch to it. Spontaneity, goofiness and natural human behaviours. Thanked God my friends are all wacky so it simply bring the show home, to being real. owh, did I mentioned this small project is called "r.e.a.l TV"?
So we had a blast kicking off the project at the music video launch. Here are some evidence that I did the interview myself, hahahahaha.
Me interviewing sis, who was part of the cast for 'Ranjau' music video
Photo by Halimi Saidi & Raja Norashikin
With the talented composer, Kieran Kuek and his producer, Becky G.
Photo by Muid Latif
Me, Ida, Muid, Atilia and Oya doing the 'Love & Unity' sign. Of course some love got squared. Hehe
Photo by Halimi Saidi & Raja Norashikin
After the launch, me, sis and Muid went for some capati and roti canai at Pelita KLCC. Yeah, I needed to sober up so I was practically forced to eat. Hahaha. But good thing sis did that. Usually everytime I'm tipsy or pretty wasted, I don't want to eat or drink anything and I'd just take my clothes off and crawl in bed. That was the first time I really ate something, capati lagi tu.
Last Saturday, took the chance to go to the final night of Sunrise Jazz festival. Apparently most of my friends couldn't make it but we still manage to sit in a large group of buddies, being Ena, her friend Mado, Waa, Prakash who brought some of his church buddies and of course me and Muid. Also managed to catch up with Astra who was with her new boyfriend (??? hehe). But most of all was awed by Hunny Madu (you go girl, definitely something to watch out for!) and her band, The Punk Mob and also Elvira Arul who is just simply a great singer herself! Unfortunately, I don't really favour Karen Nunis's performance but that's just my personal preferences. Met Dennis Lau there but didn't catch his performance that previous Friday.
Me with Mika (the one bending down with his glasses almost falling off) and his friends
Photo by Muid Latif
On our way out, we bumped into Mika. I haven't met Mika for like 2 whole years I guess. Yeah, he looks more matured with those glasses. We used to hangout at Bestari Sri Hartamas every week, just enjoying some funny conversations and drinks. But apparently everyone got busy doing their own stuff, that was a real surprise having to meet him there.
Money is besides the point. Donald Trump said, your network is your networth, and that was what I pursued.
Earlier today, I had a chat with a friend, who later encouraged me to apply for the Chevening Scholarship and further my postgraduate studies. Her being a past Chevening Scholar herself, told me that I'm still young, I should get out of the country and venture into the world. She suggested Goldsmith, University of London for me and I immediately fell in love with the MA in Digital Media: Technology and Cultural Form programme. Chatting with a few other friends, everyone seems to be so encouraging to the idea. I have nothing holding me back, and I'm still young and best of all, I'm free to make a decision of my own. I don't think my parents would be against it and I have no sappy lovers to ask permission from. Indeed, I am pursuing this. I hope I can do it. I just got to run to British Council to see how the procedure goes. If not this year, it'll be next year. But I'm determined to leave the country.
Thats for the uncertainty of the future.
- NEXT! -
- NEXT! -
Today is my friend Lilia's birthday. 6th August 2008. Happy Birthday Lilia!!!! You're now 26 years old. Yes, years OLD! Hahahahaa. But with aging comes wisdom and maturity. Hence, this for you.
Years Old.
A year to add to the life you've lived.
A year of ups and downs.
A year of encounters and discoveries.
A year of tears and laughter.
A year of health and pain.
Years Old.
Who to say what's in store up ahead.
Who to dictate which direction we shall walk.
Only God knows what is destined for us.
And only we know how to face our own life.
Lilia is 26 Years Old.
A friend.
A blogger.
A lover.
A daughter.
A sister.
A human.
Bound for mistakes and happiness.
Which made you who you are.
Special in the world. And loved by others.
Itu je la yang aku mampu bagi Lia. Hehehe. In this centralised air-conditioned igloo, thats the only thing I can come up with. Happy Birthday and thanks for being the listening ears when I needed a pair of those. Hehehe.
Looking back to what I've done these past few weeks.
Last 2 weeks, Sunday 27th July, we had Tina's bridal shower at RedBox The Curve. Yes, karaokeing was the IN thing for Bridal Showers and Hen Parties. I would highly thank Kak Zu for organising the event (wah, sungguh formal bunyinya) and having to follow-up constantly with us. Picked up Lia at KL Sentral and head off to The Curve. Was the first two to arrive, then later joined by Kak Zu and Liza who brought one of the cutest cake I've seen. Yeah, cute being spiced up with kinkyness, thats for sure. Had the chance to meet new acquaintances such as Liza, Farah, Ceera, and old familiar faces like Peeja and Jonet. Of course Tina was there (duhhh, do I even need to write that???). We had fun singing our lungs out. Sorry guys for the late event post-mortem. Pictures will be up on Facebook, so better quickly add me there.
After everyone parted, I dropped by Teh Tarik Place since Shafina twittered that she was there. Apparently she was with Prakash and Ena. Hugged and kissed and said hi, then I went to send Lilia back to KL Sentral. It was too early to go back (since I spent the previous day sleeping and being in bed the entire day), I went back to The Curve and lepak with Ena, Shaf, Prakash, LJ, Mizie, Wan and her friend at Vivo until 8pm.
- NEXT -
Three-day conference went well. The Conference Gala dinner was a lot of fun. I went to KL Tower for the first time. Geoff bought 12 bottles of wine, hahaha. So determined to get the guests drunk I guess. But the view from up there was great! Too bad we didn't have the dinner at the revolving restaurant. That would be fun.
- NEXT! -
I've initiated a little internet journalism project with a friend and carried out our first test run last week during Atilia's 'Ranjau' music video launch at Bangkok Jazz. On a whole, I'm quite please. Its just a norm to start it off with something commercial like entertainment, but I have gotten some few people who have agreed to be interviewed, among them are a well-known writer and a top finalist for most green person on Earth (I met during our International CSR Conference). It is quite exciting to carry out the project and I'm putting my faith on my friend Oya to produce the best edited version of those interviews becos her video editing skills are superb. Me, I'm just pursuing one of my dreams, to own a talk show, well, at least it is heading that way anyways. The format is very much outdoorsy and pretty laidback becos I want to accommodate the human touch to it. Spontaneity, goofiness and natural human behaviours. Thanked God my friends are all wacky so it simply bring the show home, to being real. owh, did I mentioned this small project is called "r.e.a.l TV"?
So we had a blast kicking off the project at the music video launch. Here are some evidence that I did the interview myself, hahahahaha.

Photo by Halimi Saidi & Raja Norashikin

Photo by Muid Latif
I spent the entire night chatting with Becky, such a cool purple-haired chick! We basically got out of our shyness and chatted like good friends.

Photo by Halimi Saidi & Raja Norashikin
After the launch, me, sis and Muid went for some capati and roti canai at Pelita KLCC. Yeah, I needed to sober up so I was practically forced to eat. Hahaha. But good thing sis did that. Usually everytime I'm tipsy or pretty wasted, I don't want to eat or drink anything and I'd just take my clothes off and crawl in bed. That was the first time I really ate something, capati lagi tu.
- NEXT! -
Last Saturday, took the chance to go to the final night of Sunrise Jazz festival. Apparently most of my friends couldn't make it but we still manage to sit in a large group of buddies, being Ena, her friend Mado, Waa, Prakash who brought some of his church buddies and of course me and Muid. Also managed to catch up with Astra who was with her new boyfriend (??? hehe). But most of all was awed by Hunny Madu (you go girl, definitely something to watch out for!) and her band, The Punk Mob and also Elvira Arul who is just simply a great singer herself! Unfortunately, I don't really favour Karen Nunis's performance but that's just my personal preferences. Met Dennis Lau there but didn't catch his performance that previous Friday.
Photo by Muid Latif
On our way out, we bumped into Mika. I haven't met Mika for like 2 whole years I guess. Yeah, he looks more matured with those glasses. We used to hangout at Bestari Sri Hartamas every week, just enjoying some funny conversations and drinks. But apparently everyone got busy doing their own stuff, that was a real surprise having to meet him there.
Well, those are among the highlights these past weeks.
I got sugar high yesterday and I think I'm gonna get sugar high soon, again! Hahahahaha. Wow, that was a long entry. Hambik!!!
I got sugar high yesterday and I think I'm gonna get sugar high soon, again! Hahahahaha. Wow, that was a long entry. Hambik!!!
At 12:25 pm, August 07, 2008 ,
Anonymous said...
thanks abby! ;)
and all the best for your r.e.a. project..!!! can't wait to wait for it to become real soon! =)
At 12:25 pm, August 07, 2008 ,
Anonymous said...
* r.e.a.l
At 1:23 pm, August 13, 2008 ,
*cosmic freak* said...
no worries no worries. trying to make up for life, kinda hard. hahaha.
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