The Cosmic Wise and Crappy Words

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Don't take it personal

(written on October 16th, 2008)

It's all business, don't take it personal. Thats how we business people roam the world, using that as an excuse when ethical practices were being played out. Being trained or educated in business studies and accounting, and being a totally fair libran, I had to force myself to agree to the fact that when money or profit is concerned, we can never take it personal.

My network comprises of people from various industries and background. But most of them are creative based people. People who are emotionally attached to their work which is mainly produced with personal touches. Being someone in the middle, and yet preaches the ethical behaviour of business practices, I had to constantly explain how this is all business, nothing is personal, to avoid hearts being broken, trust being breached and passions being smashed down to the ground broken to pieces.

In this fast developing world, we all crave for satisfaction, and yet, the universe's rule of thumb, is that human being can never be satisfied.

I remembered when I left my previous job. It was a reputable non-profit organisation. The pleasure of even being in the working premise was even more overwhelming than being given a week paid annual leave. And frankly, I am not over-exaggerating this at all. I for one, am a person who always look up to matured wise and charismatic individuals and I am always astound by the fact that there I was working within the presence of a great leader, regardless of how he was perceived in the eye of dirty politics. When I decided to leave the foundation, I know I was letting my superior down, after priding the fact that I adore my job to everyone. I was still young and having to have an NGO work as my first job has been a risk-taking on my side (people tend to believe that NGOs are for retirees who have had it with the corporate world). I consulted with a lot of people, close friends, mutual acquaintances, even respectable and successful people in the industry who have worked in MNCs for 20 years, who have hold top management positions. All advices directed to the same thing, "You have the potential to succeed and I don't think you'll gain much staying here". Of course first job is like first love, and letting go has never been easy for me when I get attached to something. I left knowing that my superior was disappointed, but all I can say is that, "Its nothing personal, I just need to find whats out there for me, its entirely professional". Hence, its entire business.

I often consult my creative friends, to never get cheated, robbed or insulted when money and arts are concerned. But I have to constantly remind them that everything that happens in this world of business where ethic goes down the drain as money goes up the market, ITS JUST BUSINESS, NOTHING PERSONAL.

Business deals switch hands, favouritism, nepotism, first come first serve, late work no payment, discrimination, "You look better so you'll get the job", doormats, backstabbing, its ALL BUSINESS, NOTHING PERSONAL.

Being a Libran, I might just wanted to justify that everything I believe or have just written out is purely to being diplomatic. My professionalism is based on accounting theories, "True and Fair". My philosophy is life is based on "Everything Happens For A Reason". Combining both school of thoughts, I come to a conclusion, in everything you do, find a win-win situation and never look yourself as to be the victim.

And if you're smart enough to manipulate the underlying theory of this whole article, you can even manifest it in your life. And as you do, life would be more care free, hearts would be less broken, and smiles is just as easy as lifting up your cheeks. :-)

-author is lacking sleep and pretty much zombified. but her love for friends and family is keeping her up on her feet even though eyes wide shut and mind is sleeping-

(this article is meant for Digital Malaya Project write-up of the month. Visit for more articles)


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