Sunday Night Live
Okay, its Sunday night. After a couple of hours laughing with friends, I came back having a sappy chat with a friend. Whom both of us discussed the shitty love life we had. Despite the gap of experiences between us, we both had our respective fair share of heartbreaks.
A well-known multitasker I am, I was clicking some Facebook application at the same time. Which led me to this one "Love Calculator" site. Wow. How ironic. Love Calculator. Is my subconscious trying to tell me something?
Anyways, Step One, pick your gender. Done. Step two, pick your horoscope. Done. Step three, put in your name. Done. I stuck at Step four. The name of your love interest.
What the F does it mean? The one who I fell in love with and broke my heart? Or the most recent crush which I actually stop feeling for? What else can better have blissfully end my sappy weekend if not this?
So, I took a while and wrote this. Okay, I've decided to put Angelina Jolie. Hahahaha. One I will always love and have interest with to eternity. Hahaha.
Step 4, love interest name. Angelina Jolie. Done. Step five, mobile number. Done. What the F? A bloody sms scam to ask to subscribe???????????
Thanked god I put in Angelina Jolie. Okay, I'm done. Enjoy your week people. I'm off to watch Notes on a Scandal. I heart Cate Blanchett, think she's a helluva great actress (did you watch her in "I'm Not There" ??? superb performance I tell ya!). Don't do facebook love calculator okay guys. Full of shit and scam I tell ya.
And anyone who have "Away From Her", could you lend it to me???? Puhlease owh please??????
Updated at 2.47am

Never had I watched a movie with such intensity. Obsession. Desire. Lust. Possession. Intimacy. Adultery. Seduction. Betrayal. Wow wow and wow.
Of course, I've expected nothing less from Cate Blanchett. I adore her. In this movie, obsession spelled right through it. Sick obsession of course. But one who has been obsessed with someone would know, refering to myself, that is.
Watching Dame Judi Dench being obsessed to lure someone to becoming her life partner. Seeing Cate Blanchett doing it with a 15 year-old. In just one movie. It might be a bit too much. But one thing for sure, through out the movie, you'll have a gripping feeling of wanting to understand why everyone emote such strong feelings.
One who has been in a scandal would understand. I myself has been in one. A scandal I must never reveal. A scandal not deemed to be called a relationship, but entangled with such strong feelings of want, need, possession, companionship. What differ me from the plot is that I don't keep it in a journal, I put it in my poetries.
In the end, confession to truth releases you from being chained and trapped in that cage that damned to endless guilt.
This movie leaves you feeling disturbed a bit. But like I said, those who are once involved in a scandal, would understand how the writers can write such a very disturbingly complicated screenplay.
A well-known multitasker I am, I was clicking some Facebook application at the same time. Which led me to this one "Love Calculator" site. Wow. How ironic. Love Calculator. Is my subconscious trying to tell me something?
Anyways, Step One, pick your gender. Done. Step two, pick your horoscope. Done. Step three, put in your name. Done. I stuck at Step four. The name of your love interest.
What the F does it mean? The one who I fell in love with and broke my heart? Or the most recent crush which I actually stop feeling for? What else can better have blissfully end my sappy weekend if not this?
So, I took a while and wrote this. Okay, I've decided to put Angelina Jolie. Hahahaha. One I will always love and have interest with to eternity. Hahaha.
Step 4, love interest name. Angelina Jolie. Done. Step five, mobile number. Done. What the F? A bloody sms scam to ask to subscribe???????????
Thanked god I put in Angelina Jolie. Okay, I'm done. Enjoy your week people. I'm off to watch Notes on a Scandal. I heart Cate Blanchett, think she's a helluva great actress (did you watch her in "I'm Not There" ??? superb performance I tell ya!). Don't do facebook love calculator okay guys. Full of shit and scam I tell ya.
And anyone who have "Away From Her", could you lend it to me???? Puhlease owh please??????
Updated at 2.47am

People languish for years with partners who are clearly from another planet. We want so much to believe that we've found our other. It takes courage to recognise the real as opposed to the convenient.Barbara Covett (Dame Judi Dench)
Never had I watched a movie with such intensity. Obsession. Desire. Lust. Possession. Intimacy. Adultery. Seduction. Betrayal. Wow wow and wow.
Of course, I've expected nothing less from Cate Blanchett. I adore her. In this movie, obsession spelled right through it. Sick obsession of course. But one who has been obsessed with someone would know, refering to myself, that is.
Watching Dame Judi Dench being obsessed to lure someone to becoming her life partner. Seeing Cate Blanchett doing it with a 15 year-old. In just one movie. It might be a bit too much. But one thing for sure, through out the movie, you'll have a gripping feeling of wanting to understand why everyone emote such strong feelings.
One who has been in a scandal would understand. I myself has been in one. A scandal I must never reveal. A scandal not deemed to be called a relationship, but entangled with such strong feelings of want, need, possession, companionship. What differ me from the plot is that I don't keep it in a journal, I put it in my poetries.
In the end, confession to truth releases you from being chained and trapped in that cage that damned to endless guilt.
This movie leaves you feeling disturbed a bit. But like I said, those who are once involved in a scandal, would understand how the writers can write such a very disturbingly complicated screenplay.
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